Consistent oral hygiene habits play an important role in maintaining the strength of your teeth and the health of your mouth. This includes performing your daily oral hygiene routine of brushing twice and flossing at least once each day. Yet maintain a healthy mouth also relies on regular attendance of a routine dental checkup twice each year. If your dental... read more »
Oral hygiene is important. In fact, it’s so important that you need to practice good oral hygiene if you want a top-notch oral health and smile. It helps you have strong and healthy teeth and gums, which can help you have a better overall health, look and feel good, and even eat and speak properly. This is why your dentist,... read more »
If you are looking to drastically improve the look of your smile heading into next year, consider a cosmetic dentistry treatment designed to repair and restore the look of your teeth. One particularly effective tooth restoration treatment to consider is dental bonding. With a dental bonding treatment, you can improve the look and function of your teeth by applying resin... read more »
Everyone knows about the what soft drinks containing sugar can do damage to teeth. But what many people don’t realize is that sports drinks and energy drinks can be just as hazardous to your oral health. Many people reach for an energy drink to start their day, or to give themselves a mid-day boost. Athletes and people who do heavy... read more »
The season of frights and festive treats has finally arrived. With the tricks, treats, ghosts, and goblins set to occupy our lives in the coming days for Halloween; it is important to make sure you're exercising care with any activities that can damage your teeth and gums. During Halloween, there are numerous candies you should avoid to keep your smile... read more »
Did you know that there are other weapons you can use besides a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss in the fight against oral bacteria? Although brushing and flossing should never be skipped or replaced, chewing sugarless gum can be an excellent supplementary aid. Consider this information: - Chewing sugarless gum is tremendously beneficial after meals because it helps increase the saliva... read more »
A water flosser is a device that is designed to complement your oral health care treatment using an alternative method of cleaner similar to dental floss. Much like traditional floss, water flossers can effectively clean between teeth. However, water flossers function by using a unique device that can spray beams of water at teeth, rather than a thread to scrub... read more »
Missing teeth can make a person appear less attractive and professional. But missing teeth can cause other problems as well. Those empty spaces give plaque and bacteria a place to accumulate, which can cause gum disease and other problems. Additionally, those empty places will give your remaining teeth a chance to drift out of alignment. Over the years, dental implants... read more »
Did you know dental accidents are afoot at every turn? Well, it’s true! Your teeth may not be safe! Oral accidents and conditions happen every day, and most can be avoided. That is why it is important to avoid neglect to your oral health care, or a dental accident can give you a scare! Granted, every moment of your life... read more »
Are you a healthy foods eater? Did you know that many healthy foods are also capable of being beneficial for your smile? For a list of guidelines concerning healthy food choices, consider this: - Crunchy and watery foods such as apples and pears act similar to saliva in your mouth and can help to clear away bacteria and food particles.... read more »