A Dental Checkup Will Detect Any Minor Signs of Tooth Decay

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Consistent oral hygiene habits play an important role in maintaining the strength of your teeth and the health of your mouth. This includes performing your daily oral hygiene routine of brushing twice and flossing at least once each day. Yet maintain a healthy mouth also relies on regular attendance of a routine dental checkup twice each year.

If your dental checkup at Chicago Bright Smiles reveals a small cavity, Drs. Rafieian and Olech might be able to repair the tooth by installing a standard dental filling

This outpatient treatment starts with our dentistss numbing the tooth and the local periodontal tissues. Next, they will effectively remove any compromised tooth enamel. This will also provide a healthy surface to bond the dental filling material.

Dr. Rafieian and Olech might use a composite resin dental filling. This is a special type of dental plastic resin that our dentistss can color shade to seamlessly match the surrounding tooth enamel.

If you live in the Chicago, Illinois, area and you have a dental health concern, you should call 312-642-5107 to have it examined and treated at Chicago Bright Smiles.