Dental crowns are a very effective tooth restoration service that can improve the look and function of your smile by placing a cap over a tooth completely concealing it. Dental crowns are noted for their durability and customization, allowing a tooth that is broken or damaged to remain safe and even function correctly once more. For a list of the astounding benefits that dental crowns can offer, please see the following:
— Dental crowns can hold teeth in place that have dental fillings that run the risk of failure due to the tooth no longer being able to hold the filling in place.
— Teeth that are heavily damaged and suffering from oral ailments such as tooth decay benefit greatly by being covered with dental crowns.
— Even teeth that are in pieces may be able to be salvaged and saved with dental crowns.
— Dental crowns are often used as an added layer of protection for teeth that have root canals or dental fillings, and even artificial teeth such as dental bridges and implants.
— If you want to get the most out of your dental crowns, keep them clean and safe from damage so they can last for many years to come.
Whichever services you feel would best suit your needs, Dr. Sudi Rafieian and Dr. Marshall Olech at Chicago Bright Smiles in our dental office in Chicago, Illinois are committed to providing you the oral health care treatments you require. We can be reached at 312-642-5107. Treat your damaged smile to a better summer with a dental crown restoration!